Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Seventy Years since the Nazis invaded Poland

Tigerhawk reminds us of an anniversary which many are not ignoring: the German invasion of Poland which brought WWII to Europe. The Soviets also invaded Poland a few days later. From the comments:
The Soviet Union had not joined "until" September 17, 1939 with an attack on eastern Poland. The German-Soviet invasion was quite obviously the implementation of an agreement on spheres of influence included in the secret appendix of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, signed on August 24, 1939.

The active and premeditated Soviet role in the attack on Poland has been so successfully erased from the public consciousness. . .

There are other interesting bits of information in the comments, too.

Related: Photos of Normandy, then and now.

UPDATE: VDH on the aftermath of WWII.

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