Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Civility - Ours versus Theirs

John at Powerline on allowing the Left to set the rules: "In my opinion, every single member of the Democratic Party should hang his or her head in shame and take a vow of silence and repentance. It will be at least a generation before any Democrat can mention the word "civility" without being the most craven hypocrite imaginable."

Read the whole thing. Follow the links. Mark Steyn:
. . . Why have "civility" drones like Joe Klein so eagerly adopted Anderson Cooper's scrotal "teabagging" slur and characterized as "racists" and "terrorists" what are (certainly by comparison with the anti-G20 crowd) the best behaved and tidiest street agitators in modern history?

They're telling you who they really fear. Whom the media gods would destroy they first make into "mad men". Liz Cheney should be due for the treatment any day now. Emphasis mine.
The liberal tactic of refraining from criticism of uncivil behavior from the Left while magnifying any uncivil behavior from the Right may come naturally to most liberal elites. It's they way they learned to react to the world at the university.

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