Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11: a round-up

Instapundit's blogging on that day. Scroll up. People were confused.

From Allahpundit's Twitter feed: memories of his day in Manhattan 8 years ago.

Tribute from just after the attacks.

The grim future imagined for New York (New York Times)

Heroes' Creed

Tough New Yorkers

"Make History" site for 9/11

Reaching out to the survivors

From the NYT: individual portraits of grief

The Anchoress has a hard time writing anything new about 9/11 today, but still writes about remembering and about kids. She includes lots of links. Some of them sound interesting.

Search engine remembrances., Dogpile. Google - nothing.

John McWhorter: What 9/11 taught me about human nature.

VDH: Our national schizophrenia over 9/11

Ralph Peters: Forgetting.

Mark Steyn, core civilizational values.

Claudia Rosett: Failure of imagination or failure of cognition? Complacency?

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