Andrew Brietbart launched a new website today called Big Government. Here's the first blog post. Big Government joins a family of Breitbart websites:, Breitbart TV and Big Hollywood. Big Hollywood and Big Government are sort of like group blogs with a few add-on features. Both are a little edgier, more personal and more emotional that the cultural/political blogs I typically read. Could be a generational thing, partly.
Today, Big Government got off with a bang, with Breitbart TV (seeing is believing) and Big Government teaming up to provide the full videos, audio feeds and transcripts of the "ACORN gives tax fraud advice and help with a home loan to a pimp and prostitute who want to set up a brothel using underage girls smuggled into the country" story. In exchange for a requested $120 membership to ACORN. They sell out little girls cheap at ACORN. It's all for a higher good, of course. POWER TO THE PEOPLE. You have to look beyond the repressive rules of society if you're going to make progress.*
The young undercover investigators tell their own stories. The "pimp" and "candidate for political office" explains why he uses Saul Alinsky tactics against one of the biggest Saul Alinsky-type Community Organizations. The "prostitute" explains a little about how Alinsky's ideology can be used against the typical practitioners of his methods. The more traditional and unflappable John Fund has called for a cutoff of government funds to ACORN, which is also famous for voter fraud and other malfeasance in several states. And for using tactics some would call extortion to pressure banks to give home loans to people who couldn't pay back the loans. Doing their part to contribute to the current financial crisis.
Remember that President Obama wants to use ACORN and similar community organizations extensively in gathering census data. The White House took over control of the census for 2010. I'm confident that ACORN would be very effective at increasing the census count in Democratic districts in order to increase the number of Democratic congressional districts.
The tactics used to uncover this latest scandal are unconventional, but the ACORN story is a very important one. The Big Government site promises to be very useful in publicizing corruption and other problems which are inherent to big government with its accompanying "public-private partnerships" with community organizations, unions, non-profit organizations and for-profit corporations. Because most of the mainstream media doesn't seem too interested in issues like this.
Beautiful liberal idealism doesn't always work out so well in real life. That's why conservatives and libertarians like "Separation of Powers" and other constitutional limits on the power of government.
* I got a little snarky there. The 'new left' ideology characterized by the Frankfurt School and its ideological descendants favors breaking down societal rules for sexual behavior. The ultimate goal of the hard-core 'new left' is the destruction of traditional Western civilization. The ACORN workers would be affected by the ideological "climate" of the organization in which they worked. But they don't exactly seem like hard-core ideologues. There may be a less-ideological factor which contributed to the helpfulness of the ACORN workers toward the young couple posing as a pimp and prostitute. The compassion of liberals is often based in emotions rather than in ideas or standards. The ACORN workers wanted to be helpful and compassionate toward the people right in front of their faces.
They may not have thought much about the well-being of the 13- and 14-year old girls from El Salvador the couple said they wanted to set up in a brothel. They couldn't see the girls. Their emotions were focused on the couple they were talking to. This couple needed help. And compassion for a large, amorphous group of people like "taxpayers" would be out of the question when the people right in front of them needed help.
Or maybe it's about increasing ACORN's base. The progressive equivalent of a single-minded profit motive.
UPDATE: ACORN fired the two "rogue employees" and claimed that the investigative pair had tried the same thing at other ACORN offices and had been angrily turned away. Then more video was released. Different ACORN office, similar results. Just astounding.
History Friday – The Other Alamo
1 day ago
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