"When is the mainstream media going to start covering this? They're never going to start covering it."James O'Keefe is pretty serious about using the Left's Saul Alinsky tactics against them. To a CNN producer: "Now that ACORN lied to you, Jonathan Klein, what are you going to do?" Concerning the recent scoops by the Conservative Media:
"You're the media now. The American People are the Fourth Estate. . . You don't have to trust Hollywood or Manhattan anymore, because the game is up".
"By ignoring important stories, the Legacy Media are creating new competition whose presence they’ll regret. They could have forestalled that by simply doing their jobs.ACORN threatened legal action and Big Government published a rebuttal piece which charged racism. Then Big Government put out a new video, featuring a white ACORN employee in San Bernardino. "Alinsky Rule #8: Keep the pressure on. Never let up." First Baltimore, then D.C., then New York, then San Bernardino. In each case, employees told the actor/investigators how to commit tax fraud, how to launder money into a political campaign and gave tips on running a successful brothel utilizing underage girls. The first video, from Baltimore, was shocking. The second and third were highly disturbing. The one from San Bernardino is - - - Amazing. (And, as it turns out, exaggerated*). Your tax dollars at work, helping others not to pay taxes on a high-profit prostitution business using child sex slaves.
Plus this: “ABC ‘World News’ anchor Charles Gibson seemed caught off guard by the ACORN tapes on Tuesday when he told Chicago radio hosts Don Wade and Roma that he hadn’t heard of them.” Now if Sarah Palin had said something similarly ignorant . . . .
Many in the Mainstream Media scoff at and are offended by the "Sixty Minutes" style investigations (with a "Borat" edge - and nuttiness) directed at an organization funded by liberals - mostly unions and government. ACORN executives had apparently thought that they would be protected from the effects of any bad publicity (such as the voter registration fraud scandals) because people would come to their defense. ACORN is changing their name, while trying to take legal action against a group of whistleblowers from within the organization who are using the name, "ACORN 8". The whistleblowers talk about a million-dollar embezzlement by the founder's brother which was hidden from board members by the founder. This is the kind of stuff that happens when an organization feels like it has a great deal of security - that no one can effectively challenge the leaders of that organization. They have been right up to this point. Opposition just made them stronger. One of ACORN's founding principles:
ACORN’s lifeblood is conflicts with targets outside the organization.As a young community organizer, President Obama helped train ACORN personnel in how to do community organizing in Chicago. He served as their attorney when they sued Citibank over home loans for people who could not afford home loans. Obama later rejected the Alinsky principle of pushing power down, which he found to be ineffective. He came to believe that effective community organizing required a strong, charismatic leader. It seems that the people who made the ACORN/child sex slave videos stayed with the original Alinsky concepts, pretty much.
Recent investigations for voter registration fraud in 14 or 15 states (plus a slew of earlier complaints and other reports of serious malfeasance) were not enough to keep the Census Bureau from using ACORN to collect census data. But one child sex slavery video was enough.
WHY WAS ACORN IN THE BUSINESS OF GIVING TAX ADVICE, ANYWAY? Because they had a "partnership" with the IRS. Too bad for the IRS that they were giving tax fraud advice to prostitutes and pimps talking about making money that would put them well into President Obama's "rich" category.
Government is way too big and too corrupt when the federal government has "partnerships" with community groups with strong partisan connections. Connections so strong that they feel immune from criticism.
UPDATE: MSM finally covers the story in order to explain Congressional action against ACORN. They make a few excuses for the ACORN employees and/or attack the investigators' ethics:
Concerning the NPR coverage:
It’s true that the neglect of school children in the inner cities and elsewhere is morally wrong and possibly criminal. It is arguably the systemic root of much of what ails America. And it’s true that liberal government policies dating back three generations have served to warehouse the poor while creating perverse financial incentives to underachieve, i.e. welfare policies that encouraged the poorest to forgo savings, to ignore career and college ambitions and to have multiple children outside of marriage. Even so, it is sick and condescending to assume that the poor and disenfranchised lack any moral compass. The aforementioned behavior, financially speaking, is perfectly rational — thanks to our government. The implicit suggestion that these people “don’t know better” than to abet child prostitution is the height of racism and arrogance.New York Times finally weighs in. Quote of the day from Mike Gonzales of the Heritage Foundation: “It should have been ‘60 Minutes’ doing this stuff — not two people whose combined ages are 45.” What was missing from the NYT coverage.
Such lack of expectations born of liberal guilt is tragic, but telling.
This isn’t The Wire, Mr. James. These aren’t street level drug dealers at the mercy of a politically confused Drug War. These are employees of a government funded organization who blithely conspire to rape little girls. And I do thank you for pointing out who trained these people. Yes, ACORN did. But why fail to mention that this organization has yet to apologize, or to thank James and Hannah for bringing this horror to their attention?
Concerning LA Times coverage:
But what’s the sniffing about how hidden-camera videos are “distasteful”? I’ll bet they wouldn’t be saying that if a hidden-camera reporter had turned up Boy Scout leaders speaking well of child prostitution . .UPDATE 2: Jon Stewart to the Mainstream Media: "I'm a fake journalist and I'm upset these people scooped me. Let's get to work, people!"
* UPDATE 3: Well, it looks like the ACORN worker made up the story about killing her husband. Also about her meetings with top Democrats, although she apparently had a meeting with at least one State representative.
Hannah Giles talks about her time alone with the ACORN representative, and presents more video. You decide if the ACORN representative seemed scared. Or if she was "playing with" James and Hannah, as reported elsewhere.
James also posts Part III of the San Bernardino sting: unedited tapes. Note the "bumper music" at the end of the second video - the chick was ridiculous - same music that was used in the first San Bernardino video. I think they knew that she was exaggerating before she claimed that she was either (a) playing with them or (b) scared of them.
UPDATE 4: The Mainstream Media did manage to keep one person uninformed about ACORN: Nancy Pelosi.
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