Where does MSNBC get these people? Rachel Maddow and guest go into full elite liberal meltdown mode over conservative and libertarian demonstrators occasionally adopting some of the long-time tactics of the Left. Absolutely astounding. Matt Welch predicted correctly! Still, Maddow and guest are not quite in the same league with Keith Olberman.
Update: Getting into Olberman territory here, with less style. Good Grief.
Glenn Beck may be embarrassing to those on the Right sometimes. But Beck calls himself a "rodeo clown". Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman take themselves extremely seriously by all appearances.
The "no enemies on the Left" rule still seems to have a lot of currency on the other side of the political spectrum. Conservatives are far more likely to criticize and publicly disagree with those on their own side than are liberals. It's a power tactic adopted decades ago by liberals and leftists in academia.
The "Teaching Little Kids to Praise the President" video linked above by Tim Blair also puts the concerns about the controversial lesson plans (dropped before the President's scrubbed, bland speech to schoolkids) in a little different light. Maybe some of those parents weren't so far off the mark in worrying about politics entering the classroom. This school apparently brought in the author of the song/chant, who has a PR firm. And it's not like the Democrats didn't protest when GHW Bush spoke to school children.
Remember, John Harwood on MSNBC even said that most of the people who objected to the President's speech to their kids were a danger to their children because they were too stupid to raise them well. Makes you wonder how often he gets out into the real world.
UPDATE: Another chant of praise for Obama at a public school. Imagine the reaction from liberals if a public school taught kids to chant praises to a new conservative president, like "Change has come, Change has come, Hope . . Hope . . . Hope . . . etc.
You don't think Rachel Maddow would be all over the story?
History Friday – The Other Alamo
1 day ago
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