Friday, July 2, 2010

The Supreme Court and the Second Amendment

I wrote about some interesting coincidences concerning the confirmation hearings for Elena Kagan and the Supreme Court's McDonald decision here.

 Captain Ed has an interesting take on the decision - noting Jocob Scollum's observation that four Supreme Court Justices argued against the Constitution and against individual rights in general:
The decision reveals a fundamental antipathy on the part of liberal jurists to the clear language of the Constitution. While we celebrate the fact that five Justices got it right, we should be very worried that the other four still would rather search for penumbras and emanations for their own idea of social engineering than in actually reading the clear text of the document they swore to uphold.

Video featuring Otis McDonald, who took the case to the Supreme Court. Why would Chicago politicians rather call in the National Guard in response to horrific crime rates than allow law-abiding citizens (well, other than themselves and their friends) to have guns? "This hurts me to my heart".

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