Friday, July 9, 2010

Israelis suspicious of Obama

And he thinks he knows why: "During the interview Wednesday, when confronted with the anxiety that some Israelis feel toward him, Obama said that "some of it may just be the fact that my middle name is Hussein, and that creates suspicion." "

Ace observes:
It's kind of amazing that every single criticism of, or lack of proper enthusiasm for, Barack Obama is rooted in some sort of bitter, clingy ignorance and malice. Apparently not a single critique of him is well-founded, or founded upon anything at all, really, except hatred and mental retardation.
It appears that this man really doesn't know what to do if he can't make an American or a country friendly to America look bad. This seems a little odd, since he had a reputation in college of being able to make people on two sides of an argument believe that he agreed fully with both of them. And during the election, he was pretty good at making people from different parts of the political spectrum think that he agreed with them.

But things are different when you are actually expected to lead. Maybe the Alinsky model of irritating,  mocking and denigrating those "with the power" doesn't work too well when you're the President of the United States.  Remember when he refused to be seen with Netanyahu?  He doesn't think that could "lead to suspicion" on the part of Israelis? Ed Morrissey picks his statement as an"Obamateurism of the Day".

He also had a reputation for being competitive and intolerant of criticism. This aspect of his reputed personal behavior does not seem to have changed much.

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