Although currently allied with conservatives, libertarians are not exactly like the typical conservative. The late Milton Friedman explains libertarianism in a 1999 interview with Peter Robinson. You can watch the whole thing a one time, or in shorter segments. You might want to consider where you fall on the continuum between supporting the maximum possible individual liberty on one hand OR mandating equality of outcome as well as providing safety, services, etc. through government action on the other hand.
Peter Robinson looks "inauthentic" on a motorcycle. But in this classic interview he asks Milton Friedman some tough questions about his libertarian positions. A college semester in 25 minutes.
Want shorter classes?
What is a libertarian?
What produced the dark and dirty London of Charles Dickens?
Are regulators like the FDA necessary to safeguard consumers? I could tell some stories to support either a yes or no position.
Should the government mandate that nutritional labels be placed on food packaging?
Of 14 cabinet departments, Milton Friedman says he would only keep a handful.
MORE: The kinds of interviews you don't see on TV anymore (radio interviews sometimes still provide this kind of exchange):
GREED 2 minutes. Kudos to Phil Donahue for asking good questions, then listening.
Federal Reserve and the New Deal, Chrysler bailout in 1979, automobile industry. 10 minutes.
Economics of medical care 9 minutes
Why it isn't necessary to change elected officials in order to change government. One minute.
The four ways to spend money.3 minutes
Local vs. Federal Government Spending, increasing production of goods and services (what the Greens want us to keep to a minimum). 3 minutes
History Friday – The Other Alamo
1 day ago
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