Friday, January 21, 2011

Keith Olbermann: First Casualty of the New Civility?

Or maybe the first casualty of the buyout of NBC and its subsidiaries like MSNBC from GE by Comcast.  Al Franken is upset because the FCC approved the sale, which he thinks increases the corporate control of the media.  He may have a valid point. But it's better than government control. And GE is a very big corporation, too.  Franken didn't seem too upset by it's control of the NBC family of stations. GE seemed to get some really special treatment during the Democrat-controlled 111th Congress. And:
The FCC just approved GE’s sale of MSNBC’s parent company — NBC/Universal — to Comcast. The Obama administration just hired GE’s CEO to a big position.

I think some moves are being made behind the scene.

Hey, Olbermann, this was the president you wanted.
Don't feel too bad for Keith. Word is he'll still get his 7 million per year salary for the next couple of years or so. Conservative Bloggers Hardest Hit. Really. Larry O'Donnell and Ed Schultz are hateful, too, but they just don't have Olbermann's mockable ability to project self-importance.  Olbermann has a touch of a sense of humor, too.

Say is isn't so, Keith:  Keith Olbermann GREEDY?  But he's a Progressive.  Forgetting about the Little People on his staff?  Not possible.  He's a Progressive.

James Taranto: "My one regret in life so far: I was "Worst Person in the World" only once. Proud of having beaten out both Louis Farrakhan and John Stossel, though."


The keyboard  Video

Daily Caller got under Keith's skin by buying his .com domain name.

Keith takes personal responsibility for Tucson.  Week in review by someone who watched so we didn't have to.

B-b-but… what’s going to happen to the new civility now? "Just kidding. Enjoy your new martyr, lefties!"  Keith's farewell broadcast video.

Snark from the Left: He who must not be named.  (watch video)

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