That's why they say at their crazy rallies, "I am angry" - they have no follow-up line . . .The disappointing move to the right in the last election was all because of a slight increase in all-white voters over 65 years of age. Meanwhile, in the real world, Shock CBS Poll: 77% of Americans are Extremist Teabaggers, Want to Cut Government Spending.
She is also disappointed in President Obama for not redistributing more wealth. Wonder if President Obama's former press secretary Robert Gibbs would include her among those in the "professional left" whom he told off? He thought they were being unrealistic about how far the President could go in imposing their preferred policies, given the makeup of the American electorate.
Don't you feel better knowing that our elite academics are this out of touch with what is really going on?
On the other hand, maybe she knows that what she is saying has no basis in fact, but is following the old precepts of "dialectical materialism": only statements which advance the cause of socialism are true.
Her musings on sex and the Tea Party seem to be consistent with the level of careful research which went into some of her highly practical prescriptions for improving our society:
1. The way to get government to give everyone a guaranteed annual income is to bankrupt the government by intentionally overloading the welfare system. What could go wrong?
2. The unemployed should develop an angry identity in the U.S., sort of like the angry people protesting against the insolvency of the governments in Greece and elsewhere in Europe. What could go wrong?
Right now, I'm thinking that taking on tens of thousands of dollars of extra debt to study with the best-known professors in the "soft sciences" may not be such a good idea. Iowahawk had this figured out a long time ago. Classic.
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