Monday, April 26, 2010

Who should maintain civic order?

Detroit may be the most dangerous city in America, but Illinois lawmakers are asking for the National Guard to come into Chicago.  Meanwhile, Arizona has passed a state law in the wake of violence on the border, to control illegal immigration - which should be a federal responsibility.  Wretchard reviews the situation.  

In Chicago:
It is almost as if, despite decades of ‘community organizing’ efforts, the communities themselves had dissolved under the impact of various political, social and economic influences.
In Arizona:
The question of when Federal government intervention is warranted or not recently hit the headlines this week when another community leader, the Reverend Al Sharpton, argued that Arizona had no right restrict the influx of illegal aliens into their state. Whereas in Chicago the enlightened argument is to let local government lead, in Arizona the call is for federal action, soon to take the form of Immigration Reform.

New York activists, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, compared Arizona’s new immigration law to apartheid, Nazi Germany and the Jim Crow South – and vowed to shut it down with mass protests.

“We will bring Freedom Walkers to Arizona just like Freedom Riders went to the deep south 50 years ago,” Sharpton said yesterday.

Almost no argument is too absurd to make in these circumstances. . . .
Read the whole thing. And think about this: "How's that gun control working out for you?"

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