Mark Steyn:
On March 20th, something truly extraordinary happened. On the eve of the health care vote, a group of black Democrat Congressmen (eschewing the private tunnels they usually use to cross from their offices to the Capitol) chose to walk en masse through a crowd of protesters, confident that the knuckledragging Tea Party goons they and their media pals have reviled for a year now would respond with racial epithets.John Lewis is, indeed, a "Genuine Civil Rights Warrior". But here is one recent instance in which he puts on his tinfoil hat, concerning his fears of "right-wing Republicans", and it works in a local election. Listen to the clip. From the irrational scare tactics in the clip, you would never guess, if you didn't know, that Representative Lewis had faced down ACTUAL VIOLENCE in the past. This is the new post-racial era we were supposed to get with Obama.
And then, when the crowd didn't, the black Congressmen made it up anyway. Representative Andre Carson (Democrat, Indiana) insisted he heard the N-word 15 times. He's either suffering from the same condition as that Guam-flipper from Georgia, or he's a liar. At a scene packed not only with crews from the Dem poodle media but with a gazillion cellphone cameras, not one single N-word has been caught on audio. (By contrast, see my post yesterday for how easy it is to get it on tape when real epithets are flying.)
I disagree with John Lewis (Democrat, Georgia) politically but I have always respected him as a genuine civil rights warrior. And I feel slightly queasy at the thought that he would dishonor both the movement and his own part in it for the cheapest of partisan points - in the same way I would be disgusted by a Holocaust survivor painting a swastika on his own door and blaming it on his next-door neighbor over a boundary dispute.
But that's what the Democratic Party has been reduced to - faking hate crimes as pathetically as any lonely, mentally ill college student. Congressmen Carson, Lewis, Cleaver and the rest have turned themselves into the Congressional equivalent of the Duke University stripper. Except that they're not some penniless loser but a group of important, influential lifetime legislators enjoying all the privileges and perquisites of power, and in all probability acting at the behest of the Democrat leadership.
Isn't that what societies with functioning media used to call "a story"?
Peter Kirsanow has some thoughts:
As Mark Steyn noted this past weekend, the smearing of tea-party members by elected representatives and their media acolytes demonstrates the desperation and bankruptcy of many of today’s arguments in support of the liberal agenda — in this case, health-care reform. The claim that black Democratic congressmen courageously defied being spat upon and being called the n-word reflects a pathetic attempt to equate their support for the cynical, corrupt process by which the health-care bill was passed with the heroic efforts of the civil-rights movement. . .
Continued use of the “cry racism” tactic — despite its diminishing effectiveness — is partially the result of groups like the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus) having long since lost their reason for being. . . .
While members of the CBC tilt at windmills from decades past, they adamantly refuse to engage or even acknowledge the actual problems that currently plague the black community — single parenthood, dysfunctional schools, the debilitating effects of the welfare state (if you want to see the promised splendor of Obamacare right now, go to the inner city), to name a few.
These problems don’t fall neatly into the anti-discrimination model with which liberal groups are most comfortable. And they refuse to leave their comfort zone.
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