The "brave" walks past Tea Party protesters
Members of the Congressional Black Caucus made a provocative, unnecessary walk past protesters, hoping to capture on video a reaction which could be use to discredit the protesters. They didn't get any video, but they DID get members of the Black Congressional Caucus to report incidents of racial epithets and spitting. James Clyburn (the congressman who accused Bill Clinton of racism during the Presidential primaries) was prominent in making these charges. Check here for his definition of racism. Oddly, despite the ubiquitous video equipment present during the "congressional walk past protesters", no epithets could be confirmed. But the bogus charges got out into the mainstream media in an unusually fast, seemingly coordinated manner. In an effort to further divide America, this event was followed by a similar provocative "walk", led by Nancy Pelosi carrying a giant gavel, after the vote on the health care bill.
Democrats and the media seemed alarmed about the "threatening" attitude of the protesters and they repeated, and in some cases amplified, charges of racial epithets used against black congressmen. Video here. They tried to blame Republicans for "inflammatory language". Yet they downplayed or failed to report the arrest of an Obama supporter for threatening to kill a Jewish congressman and his family as well as other violence directed against Republicans and conservatives or libertarians.
Glenn Reynolds points out the hypocrisy. John Hinderaker points out that most recent political violence has been by liberals. Why haven't the incidents of attempted murder (some of which sent elderly bus riders to the hospital) by activists near a Republican convention in 2008 received more media attention? Andrew Breitbart reflects Alinsky tactics back toward the Democrats, with his offer to pay for proof of a racial epithet during the "walk" now increased to $100,000.
Leftists are not used to conservatives using inflammatory, Alinsky-type speech against them. Democrats are starting to back off their claims about the incident.The first Alinsky president is now using surrogates to split this nation into two hostile parties so he can puppeteer the have-nots against the perceived haves. The non-response to my $100k challenge is a tacit acknowledgement that the Congressional Black Caucus and Barack Obama don't have the stomach for doubling down.
Oh, No! Militias!
Now the press and Democrats are having vapors over "Christian", "Right-wing" Militias. Some perspective is in order. If a Lefty actually kills someone for similar motives, it doesn't make big news. And these groups are not always what they seem on the surface. Though some of those all-white militias can be sort of threatening.
Other Threatening Groups
Master of satire Iowahawk points out other menacing, violent groups in America.
At the Media Violence Project, our charter is to protect public safety by researching, documenting and raising awareness about the ever-increasing wave of violent, disgusting crimes perpetrated by members of the American news media. It is a largely thankless task -- often requiring a cast iron stomach -- but if our work has prevented one more American child from falling victim to a criminally insane anchorman or newspaper reporter, it will all have been worth it. . . .Read the whole, brilliant thing. It's full of links which put the inflammatory, often false, news stories about the Tea Party Movement in perspective. If we can survive the violence of journalists and politicians, we can certainly survive the occasional nut case from the Right or the Left. Republican politicians, and even conservative commentators and bloggers, are used to death threats and threatening or intimidating actions at their homes.
Shocking as they are, these incidents scarcely scratch the surface of the global crime wave caused by rampaging journalists. Our in-depth biennial 30 minute Google search uncovered a seemingly endless catalog of journalist-related crimes, astonishing as much for their depravity as their number. The reasons behind this phenomenon are complex, according to Media Violence Project staff psychologist Divad Egrub.
"Journalism school leaves these people ill-prepared for life in conventional society," explains Egrub. "They see typical American people expressing normal opinions, and it causes confusion. In time, they become boiling cauldrons of paranoia and rage. This triggers a 'fight or flight' reaction, and sometimes they simply lash out." . . .
As bad as these case are individually, collectively they represent only the tip of a vast, bloody iceberg of media brutality. Most experts believe that the overwhelming majority of media crimes are never reported. "Think about it," says Egrub. "We are actual relying on reporters to report on the crimes of reporters. All we really know about are the cases other journalists were too incompetent to cover up. For every one of them there are likely dozens lying on the media's cutting room floor."
Politicians: An Even Greater Menace?
And yet, Americans may be facing an even worse wave of domestic attacks from the only organized group arguably even more violent, stupid and useless than the news media: elected public officials.
In response to growing public outcry, the board of the Media Violence Project earlier this morning established a new affiliate organization, the Center for the Study of Politician Sociopathy. What our comprehensive 15 minute Google search revealed was an explosive outbreak of violence that, if trends continue, may actually eclipse the media public safety crisis by November. . . .
"There's an deep undercurrent of anger, alienation and frustration in Congress, as well as America's statehouses and city halls," explains CSPS study director Vadid Grube. "They feel that voters are no longer listening to them. Then come the drugs, followed by the extensive, journalist-like paranoid fantasies. And then... snap." . . . .
What you can do to protect yourself and your family
"Americans are accustomed to viewing their political representatives in an idealized light," explains Divad Egrub. "We assume them to be clean, friendly, hard working, nonviolent criminals, peacefully thieving away at the public trough and diligently extorting bribes from special interest groups. The politician takes advantage of this gullible trust to draw an unsuspecting constituent within striking distance. Before you know it, the constituent is dealing with an erupting volcano of psychosexual rage."
But while people take violent language from the Left and violent actions by leftist extremists in stride, as a normal part of life, the Right is expected to "control" its extremists by refraining from criticism of their liberal counterparts. "Shut up," he explained.
The fact is that, unlike conservatives, modern liberals have had little quarrel with political violence. This is best demonstrated by their support for card check legislation, the entire point of which it to abolish the secret ballot so that union goons can use the threat of violence to extend union power and thereby enrich the Democratic Party. (If you doubt the truth of that proposition, try to think of another reason why the Democrats want to eliminate the secret ballot in union elections.) The beating of Kenneth Gladrey by union goons--more specifically, the lack of any interest in it by anyone in the Democratic Party, the media, or on the Left generally--shows how hypocritical the Democrats' current pacifism is. If the day ever comes when conservative groups start hiring goons, we can take the liberals' purported fears of violence more seriously.
So far, the smear campaign against Tea Partiers doesn't seem to be working out quite as planned. Except among some of the Democratic base, who seem more fired up (oops, is that inflammatory?) than before, perhaps even more than the Tea Partiers. So much for "bringing America together".
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