Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The White House Press Secretary Clears Things Up

I often wonder where the golden-tongued Barak Obama found his press secretary, Robert Gibbs. He's not always a model of diplomacy. He is almost never golden-tongued like his boss.

A few days ago, I wrote,
The United States Post Office was a good idea. The Post Office was not always known for unreliable service, union members who treat fellow employees as their personal serfs, workplace violence, high prices, etc. In fact, mail carriers once had quite a heroic reputation. But when things start to go wrong in government-run organizations, they're hard to fix.
President Obama has reassured us at a Town Hall that the Public Option in proposed Democratic health care legislation is no Trojan Horse to eliminate private insurance, using the example of vigorously competitive Fedex and UPS, which compete directly with the Post Office (outside of First Class Mail, etc., over which the Postal Service has a monopoly).
I mean, it's, it's the Post Office that's always havin' problems."
Robert Gibbs reassures us in his inimitable style that President Obama meant what he said. Angering many of President Obama's constituents even further. And worrying the rest of us.

In spite of President Obama's brilliance in prepared speeches, this administration is not the smoothest ever at extemporaneous speech. Nevertheless, they often choose their words more carefully than they might seem on the surface to have been chosen. Though maybe not in this case. And President Obama can say just about anything about "his" healthcare proposals and later claim that his statements were true. Because none of the plans characterized as "Obamacare" were actually fashioned by President Obama.

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