Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Not long ago, I wrote:
As an aside, Obama's health care website provides fodder for conspiracy theorists. Check the first few comments. Why the Obama camp continues to use icongraphy reminiscent of the most brutal totalitarian regimes of the 20th century is a puzzle to me. Though it often makes his detractors seem like nut cases when they point out the similarities. There is a sort of "new age" feeling to the new Obama Healthcare logo as well, however. Sort of dreamy.
But screenwriter Bill Whittle greatly admires some of the Obama camp's use of beautiful and moving imagery and iconography. His analysis of the power of various familiar images is fascinating. He suggests that "the resistance" (never mind the stodgy Republican Party) borrow some of the Obama Camp's ideas.

Via Instapundit, an unknown artist has produced some examples of what Bill was talking about. Quoting then-Candidate Obama:
"When I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely..."

"What I've done throughout this campaign is to propose a net spending cut... I want to go through the federal budget line by line..."
Check out the images at the link. I like the last image the best. It's a variation on the graphic here. Notice how the deficit is projected to decrease as the 2012 election approaches, and then to increase again. And they say that liberal politicians don't think ahead.

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