Oh, My: MSNBC Carefully Crops Shot of Black Man Carrying AR-15 at Health Care Rally to Avoid Skin Color, So They Can Then Rant and Rave About "White People" Showing Up With Guns When a "Person of Color" is President
Oh no they di'n't.
Oh yes they did.
Here's the video before the careful cropping. Which, you know, would have taken less care and effort to run. Cropping and repeating that one almost-still image took more time and effort than just running the real news.Listen to the words of the MSNBC "hard news" reporters. Compare with this photo. Anger in the country over a black man becoming president? ? ? Well, I guess it may seem that way to people whose bigotry leads them to believe that opposition to the President's programs has to be because of his race.
So why did they take extra time? Well, falsifying news ia harder than reporting it, so I guess they must have their reasons.
No doubt these reporters learned in journalism school that "making a difference" is more important than telling the truth. Must protect the racial narrative. They didn't have to sound quite so eager for an assassination attempt, though. Creepy. Are these supposed to be newspeople or commentators, by the way?
CNN did a better job. Via Hot Air.
Via Treacher: Previous fake news.
Funny how up until yesterday, putting a white face on a black guy was considered racist.Update: Moe Lane
"White guy with a gun" = Black guy. "White conservative racist photoshopping Obama as the Joker" = Arab-American liberal. What next?
I usually don’t say this sort of thing all that often, but this is one of those times: this is inexcusable. THIS. WAS. DELIBERATE. They had the clip. They knew that the guy was a peaceful protester making a point about the Second Amendment. They knew that - by definition - he was not a crazy white right-winger itching to take a shot at the President. But they altered his appearance so that it matched their argument that there is an active risk of crazy right-wingers itching to take a shot at the President.
This was an insanely stupid move on MSNBC’s part - and one that was dangerous to the safety of the President of the United States of America, not to mention his security staff. I am appalled that a supposedly reputable news agency would do this.
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