After his Twitter followers were left to wonder for several days if he were dead or alive, "Change For Iran" started posting on Twitter again. It's a fascinating real-time personal chronicle of an idealistic struggle against a repressive regime. The techniques of intimidation described below remind me of some of the less-terrifying techniques used in Stalin's USSR and Mao's Red China. Worse stuff has happened in the notorious Evin prison (mentioned below), too. Amazing how many of the tyrannical regimes or the 20th century (some continuing today) were started by people educated in Paris. Several in addition to the three mentioned here.
These are the new posts from "Change for Iran" which I found on my Twitter account a few minutes ago:
I'm only posting this to say I'm still alive & not in Tehran, I had a bad incident with Basij and couldn't use computer
2:12 PM Jun 25th from web
Shayan's brother's fate is still unknown, Reza has been released yesterday & at hospital right now & I think Masood is safe
2:18 PM Jun 25th from web
as soon I can walk properly again, I will go back to Tehran. probably tomorrow night
2:23 PM Jun 25th from web
I will twitt again at night, my back & neck hurts a lot & I can't sit here anymore
2:33 PM Jun 25th from web
sorry about no news at all in these past days, I will try my best to keep you informed again as soon as possible
2:35 PM Jun 25th from web
I will not be able to twitt tonight, no PC where I'm going to spend the night
6:16 PM Jun 25th from web
and to everyone out there specially IRG: no it's not the end & it will never be until we get what is rightfully ours
6:18 PM Jun 25th from web
this user: @Vagheeiat is a government agent, from IRG's cyber warfare group
6:38 PM Jun 25th from web
1:17AM finally managed to load twitter! HTTPS protocol is still blocked by some ISP & no chance getting to twitter with apps
about 12 hours ago from web
Reza released from Hospital yesterday he is banned from university and now is a stared [marked by gov] student
about 12 hours ago from web
my connection is very poor & I don't know how long I will be able to sustain it
about 11 hours ago from web
he spent his first 48h of arrest at level -4 of ministry of interior building without food or water
about 11 hours ago from web
he said all sort of people were there & some of them were just unlucky people just walking in streets and captured for no reason
about 11 hours ago from web
Reza estimated around 200 people were in each room and there were not enough space to even sit on the ground
about 11 hours ago from web
they didn't open the plastic handcuffs for a day & half, & randomly beat up people in there
about 11 hours ago from web
Reza said the only exception was they didn't hit arrested people directly in the face
about 11 hours ago from web
there was also a awful problem of only one toilet for all people in there and a impossible time limit of around 1min for each person
about 11 hours ago from web
He said in the second day some pain cloth people came with papers forcing people to sign them
about 11 hours ago from web
the papers were prewritten confessions all in different hand writings saying the signer is a member of organization by mousavi
about 11 hours ago from web
and they paid to go to streets and say things & they know they have violated national security & Islam
about 11 hours ago from web
Reza said some people sign them & some other just faked their signs & names, there were not enough confession papers for all people
about 11 hours ago from web
around 3am day 2 they started moving people in vans, Reza said a driver was talking to a Basiji about Evin prison is full and what shoul ...
about 11 hours ago from web
apparently they released some people on that night & move Reza & some of the selected people to Evin
about 11 hours ago from web
Reza had no idea why they select some of the people and where they moved the others
about 11 hours ago from web
it took near 3 hours to get to the prison, Reza said the driver seemed enjoys wandering in the streets
about 11 hours ago from web
and another hour passed just standing in the row at the entrance of prison & filling out forms
about 11 hours ago from web
in first day at Evin prison staff started searching for severely injured people & gave them some first aid
about 11 hours ago from web
according to Reza some of the injured people already passed out and a taxi driver looked like dead by that time
about 10 hours ago from web
all types of gov agents came & go in the next couple of days, moving people, forcing them to walk or just stand for a long time
about 10 hours ago from web
Reza said it looked like they have no idea what should they do with so much people
about 10 hours ago from web
a man came and say they will be released today and an hour later another came & say they will be in prison for 10year!
about 10 hours ago from web
they ran another confession show at Evin, this time with promise of instant freedom & new accusations
about 10 hours ago from web
Correction: *but with new accusations, not promising them!
about 10 hours ago from web
in last days Reza said it looked they get a little more organized and start searching for any special case in arrested people
about 10 hours ago from web
unfortunately Reza's mother told everything she knows over the phone to a man calling from Evin
about 10 hours ago from web
the man promised Reza's family they will release him if he's really innocent
about 10 hours ago from web
and after they knew Reza is a student they moved him to a more harsh environment with some other people
about 10 hours ago from web
according to Reza some students from Polytechnic university were also there
about 10 hours ago from web
they prevented them from sleeping by kept them standing all the night
about 10 hours ago from web
in morning a man introduced him self as Intelligent came saying he will record their confections with camera
about 10 hours ago from web
he promised if one of them confess in front of camera he will free them all & they will blur his face & nothing to worry!
about 10 hours ago from web
at night around 10PM they Released Reza & his family instantly moved him to a hospital for internal bleeding
about 10 hours ago from web
Reza had no idea why they suddenly released him & some of his inmates
about 10 hours ago from web
I skipped some of the incidents as Reza requested. he's very weak both mentally & physically
about 10 hours ago from web
and I don't want to put him in more pressure of any kind right now
about 10 hours ago from web
we passed a letter to Karoubi today describing everything we know about various students conditions
about 10 hours ago from web
sorry I can't answer to you all, very bad internet connection, but I'm good and I can walk short distances
about 10 hours ago from web
heard about @PersianKiwi I have no idea how they captured him/her, he/she was using freegate I guess
about 10 hours ago from web
I don't think if gov really captured PersianKiwi, they knew about his/her twitter & hopefully will be released soon
about 9 hours ago from web
Gov is working hard on State TV trying to depress people & stop them from fighting back
about 9 hours ago from web
it may work on a short period of time, but they can't stop what is already started, today's rally was a clear proof
about 9 hours ago from web
Karoubi was there in person & Mousavi said he was stuck in traffic but we heard him through his cellphone & loudspeakers
about 9 hours ago from web
this is going to happen on every national occasion & gov has no excuse to stop us!
about 9 hours ago from web
the numbers of protectors were far more than 5000! the entire district was full of people
about 9 hours ago from web
why BBC & CNN reporting things like it's all over now? how can it be over after what gov done to us?
about 9 hours ago from web
the biggest help: spread the news & don't desert us! it may take some time but we will take what is rightfully ours!
about 9 hours ago from web
UPDATE: Interesting that Change for Iran still wants people to spread the news. Media is a big factor in political struggles now.
I continue to find new followers on my Twitter account who seem to be interested in the Iran situation, too. If I don't sign up to follow them, they're gone in a few days. The latest is a "raw living foodist" with 2000 followers. I don't have the best memories in the world of raw living foodists. But it's all for a good cause. I guess it increases the electronic twitter cloud in Iran, since that's my Twitter location.
Worth Pondering
17 hours ago
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