Back in March, I wrote a long, picky piece on Professor George Lakoff's analysis of The Obama Code I was concerned because the language in the piece warped reality and presented a bigoted view of the motivations of conservatives (and libertarians).
He and his commenters also seem to believe that talk radio should be reined in and "progressive" views forced onto mainstream news programs because "About 80% of the talking heads on TV are conservatives." This guy's understanding of conservatism seems to be different from the rest of the country's understanding of conservatism if he believes this. But fine. Let's have a Fairness Doctrine for media. Right after we enforce a Fairness Doctrine for university professors who are paid by the taxpayers.
I guess this isn't the only time the Professor has advocated changing the meaning of words to suit "progressive" political purposes.
Darleen at Protein Wisdom notes the California mainstream media's failure to challenge even the most brazen misuses of language by politicans. The kind of misuse of language advocated by Lakoff. She relates this to the disastrous condition of California's finances and the regulatory drought in the Central Valley. Most people other than journalists would think that State Assembly Speaker Karen Bass uses the words "terrorized" and "revenue" in some awfully odd ways. But the wish of members of the press to promote "progressive" causes leads them to total passivity when this kind of brazen manipulation of language is used by Democrats.
Maybe it's time to teachs kids (and adults) The Propaganda Game. And journalists, too.
History Friday – The Other Alamo
1 day ago
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