Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, maybe it wasn't the dog. Maybe it was some graduate student, before Phil Jones was put in charge of the global warming data at CRU. These scientists have out-done themselves in destroying their own credibility. Captain Ed:
When would scientists expecting the world to take them seriously throw out the raw data on which their conclusions are based? Probably at the same time that they e-mail each other to launch professional vendettas against skeptics and conspire to hide contradictory data. The University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit — already in a deep scandal over the e-mails released by either a hacker or a whistleblower that shows highly unscientific behavior behind the scenes — now admits they threw out the raw data on which much of their theories on anthropogenic global warming are based. . . . .

The bullying atmosphere in Academia on AGW has ruined the credibility of the effort — and not just at the University of East Anglia. Any PhD student in the field would have known on which side the bread would be buttered, and would be unlikely to commit career suicide by producing contradictory data. The actions of the IPCC authors created an atmosphere of groupthink, paranoia, and toadyism, not science or truth. Any results coming from this arena have to be entirely suspect.

The AGW movement has been exposed as a religious belief and a political cash cow, not science.
Read the whole thing. Along with this piece by Wretchard about what happened to two scientists who didn't go along with the "narrative" in 2003. After watching the outstanding video by the late Michael Crichton at the end, about turning environmentalism into a religion, you might want to scan through Wretchard's comments, like this one, reminding us that a BBC reporter had sat on the leaked documents for 6 weeks before the leaker went directly to the public.

Wretchard links two more excellent videos by Crichton here.

You might want to follow some of the links in Ed Driscoll' roundup. Quoting Thomas Sowell from 2004:
There’s something Eric Hoffer said: “Intellectuals cannot operate at room temperature.” There always has to be a crisis–some terrible reason why their superior wisdom and virtue must be imposed on the unthinking masses. It doesn’t matter what the crisis is. A hundred years ago it was eugenics. At the time of the first Earth Day a generation ago, the big scare was global cooling, a big ice age. They go from one to the other. It meets their psychological needs and gives them a reason for exercising their power.
He also has links on Big Media's role in "supporting the narrative":
. . . Editor & Publisher called for an end to objectivity in regards to “Climate Change” back in 2007. But Sissy writes that NBC’s Andrea Mitchell spilled the beans on it happening in the media almost 20 years ago . . .
Interesting information.

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