Quote of the day from Tom Maguire:
. . . "civil liberties" is not simply a phrase to be tossed around in partisan pillow fights. . . . If we can make the world safe for terrorists who want to use the telephone networks to plot our destruction, surely we can allow US citizens to criticize the legislative process..
Follow the link for a rundown on the kerfuffle which prompted Maguire's comment. Will university professors whose salaries are paid by the government have to start watching what they say whenever the administration changes?
Update: Standards for acceptable criticism of government seem to be very different for media figures on the Left. Seymour Hersh on his willingness to lie during speaking engagements , but not in print:
‘I can't fudge what I write. But I can certainly fudge what I say...I find that totally not inconsistent with anything I do professionally. I'm just communicating another reality that I know, that for a lot of reasons having to do with, basically, someone else's ass, I'm not writing about it...I get paid to do speeches...And I'm not there to be on straight I'm there to tell, you know, give somebody, exchange views with people."
Another indication of objectivity and perspective in journalism:
"I‘m not interested in history because I'm trying to change things."
Worth Pondering
17 hours ago
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